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Pseudo :

eMule 0.44d
   eMule ZenZone Index du Forum -> Liste Versions eMule/kad
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Auteur Message

Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003
Messages: 1634
Localisation: ZenZoNe

Posté le: Mer Déc 08, 2004 16:08
Sujet du message: eMule 0.44d
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eMule 0.44d


Telechargement :

Installeur (Pour 1ere Installation) :[url=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.44d-Installer.exe?use_mirror=heanet]
:arrow: eMule 0.44d Installeur [/url]

Binaire (Pour mise à Jour) :[url=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule/eMule0.44d.zip?use_mirror=heanet]
:arrow: eMule 0.44d Binaire [/url]

Sources (code source de programmation) :
:arrow: eMule 0.44d Sources

FAQ Inslallation/Mise à Jour :arrow: ICI

Changelog :

- Nov, 14st 2004 -
.: Icons in contextmenus have been disabled for Win98/ME due to reported problems
.: Minor bugfix in the new corruption detector

- Nov, 8st 2004 -
.: eMule is now able to detect which clients sent corrupt data and bans those if a threshold is reached (based on AICH)

- Nov, 1st 2004 -
bluecow: Fixed counter overflows for some cumulative statistics. [thx BinGordon]
bluecow: Fixed bug with max. download rate. [thx ChrisV]
bluecow: Fixed bug with "Needed Spaced for Downloads" stats for NTFS compressed and sparse files.
bluecow: Brushed up preferences dialog.

- Oct, 15th 2004 -
.: Added icons to most contextmenus [thanks Daan for providing the icons]
.: Fixed a unicode bug in the MobileMule server
Ornis: added commands (show details and add as friend) to the contextmenu for tabs in the chatwindow

- Oct, 14th 2004 -
Ornis: view filer now available for all category tabs

- Oct, 10th 2004 -
Ornis: imported part files will be shared immediately if possible

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