Posté le: Ven Avr 02, 2004 08:03 Sujet du message: eMule MorphXT 0.42d v2.4
et oui la nouvelle déjà:
Changelog for eMule 0.42d MorphXT v2.4
FIXED : Systray Fix to avoid all the schedulable parameter to not correctly be saved at shutdown [SiRoB]
FIXED : A wroung test causing zz ratio allways activated since the 2.0 version [SiRoB]
FIXED : Some little fix [SiRoB]
ADDED : modID Statistic from Slugfiller and code improvement from TPT [SiRoB]
CHANGED: The current Download, Upload Slot+Overhead, Upload Friend Slot & Upload Slot are drawn in solid in Statistic Window [SiRoB]
CHANGED: The average speed rate are dynamicly mesured from 1'' to 30'' depending on the number of sample [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update Code to the latest ZZ Upload System [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update SUWQT code from MoonLight [AndCycle]
CHANGED: Default Statistic Graph color [SiRoB]
NOTE: About average speed mesurement change, i do this to show as much as possible the possible perturbation of the data rate.
In the official and different mod the average speed datarate is calculated from 15'' to 40'' and are note exactly right.
So don't be afraid to see strange data speed rate
en esperant qu'elle pose moins de problème que la dernière, bon dl
Posté le: Ven Avr 02, 2004 15:05 Sujet du message:
Le_Testeur avec la precedente tout le monde a eu des problemes de vitesse de reception
donc on est nombreux a avoir changer
pour l'instant je teste la derniere officielle et je reviendrais peut etre a Morph apres
merci christo
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