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emule v0.42a nouvelle version |
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Apprenti Zen
Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2003 Messages: 152
Posté le: Sam Fév 28, 2004 07:35
Sujet du message: emule v0.42a nouvelle version
Salut à tous
Je viens de télécharger la nouvelle version d'emule, v0.42a, avec intégration du mode kademlia dans la version officielle. Je vais la tester.
Change log
Citation: | Changelog 0.30e (hotfix) to v0.42a
Already received but not processed packets are discarded after a client was disconnected.
Fixed sorting problems in shared files list control.
Fixed bug server connection duration statistics [Gnaddelwarz]
Fixed several flaws in client and server overhead computation. (Note: You will see somehow increased overhead).
Some changes for more proper Winsock initialisation and termination.
Fixed several flaws in context menus, shortcuts and usage of middle mouse button.
Fixed Kad UDP socket usage to avoid loss of packets to send.
Fixed bug in viewing shared files from remote client - shared part files were not shown.
Fix: Handling of deleting files, which are currently into diskspace allocation
NNP sources was allowed to do a UDP reask which does not update our chunk info.. So, this was a wasted packet..
Clients even without a valid file request could still get on the queue.
There was a bug the allowed the client to send a UDP and TCP file reask at the same time.
Fixed statistics bug with ICH in download session category.
Fixed problem with empty file data packets which could corrupt the gap list.
Fixed timing issue in PerfLog module.
Fixed bug with wrong category directory shown for new created downloads.
Fixed a few issues that occured when a partfile became a complete file.
Fixed a bug in the UDP port that resent UDP packets to dead clients.
Fixed bug in Kad search with implicit ANDed search expressions.
Fixed bug with downloads added from search result in paused mode which dropped possible found sources.
Fixed bug with Kad keyword publishing list due to renaming a shared file which was completed in current session.
Fixed multi threading issue with file completion.
Fixed some problems with duplicate entries in known file list and shared file list.
Several minor corrections on the GUI
Fixed a potential client deletion crash bug related to IP filter.
Fixed bug with first runtime wizard and enabled startup minimized option.
Added a lot of exception catching to Kad and SMIRC.
Fixed several memleaks with the Kad client
Fixed problem with servers with IP which could be added to the server list.
Fixed a bug with rechecking firewall.
Fixed mem leak and possible stall in server UDP socket related to failed DNS queries.
IRC: Small tweak to add friend.
Fix of auto resume next file of same category
Removed automatically resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.
We delay publishing keywords to avoid spamming network with users that only stay connected for a very short time.
Keyword republishing is delayed longer to lower overhead.
Added Kademlia overhead statistics.
Added client protocol handshake validation.
To avoid spreading of false meta data, any (already) received meta data is dropped and locally created by examining file contents only.
Fixed and added some statistics for file data transfer.
Optimized client listview controls for less CPU load.
View Shared Files command of remote clients is disabled if client published that he does not support that feature.
Preferences/Security: option to download the ipfilter-file from an URL
Source exhange for a complete file is now like part files, you only send sources that has chunks the user needs.
The UDP file reask now updates the FileStatus and it transmits all the ExtendedFileInfo.
File reasks have been extended for less overhead.
A part of the ED2K protocol has been redone into a eMule protocol. This allows us to do several ED2K type packets with just one packet hopeing to save overhead.
New data (packet + files) processing code for less CPU load.
When duplicates are found in the KnownFileList, the stats are now merged..
Kad now allows smaller local networks if you turn off LANIP filtering. (This should only be used for debuging and testing)
Several optimizations in processing search expressions for keyword index.
Reworked UDP socket exception handling.
Tweaked tab controls in server window/chat window to show unread log/chat messages.
Added caching of webservices menu entries.
Thoroughly handling of max. nick name length.
Windows thumbs.db files with missing system file attribute are no longer shared.
Added automatic creation of downloads.txt file in eMule application folder. This file holds the current part file names and related ed2k links to recover more easily after lost part.met files.
Search type or shared files list request is shown in each search results tab.
Added merging of audio/video attributes in File Info dialog. All audio/video attributes from all selected (part) files are merged to verify if selected files are of same audio/video format.
Added a thread for getting audio/video attributes of multiple files when using File Info dialog.
Added new AVI file parsing code for getting attributes in File Info dialog.
Hopefully reduced keyword overhead some more by only publishing complete files.
Several changes and optimizations to verbose log options.
Added client protocol procedure state error log messages.
The client now detects conflicts between UDP ports to prevent the client from freezing..
Bootstrap selectable by IP:Port or by a known Kad-client (searches your known client list for a Kad client to boot from)
Reworked part file details dialog; added showing of several accumulated values for multiple selected part files.
Removed Permissions column from Shared Files window (do not worry, it was never used).
Reworked all Server-, Search-. Download- and Shared Files window context menus for supporting multiple selections.
Added option to restore the last used main window dialog at startup; (specify "RestoreLastMainWndDlg=1" in preferences.ini)
Gave incoming and outgoing Kad UDP packets same priority to keep outgoing packets from backlogging.
IRC: /hop added.
Resolved IPs of DynDNS servers are now verified and optionally filtered (IP-filter).
Create lang-folder if neccessary on language download
Improved reading of UL/DL priorities read from known.met and part.met files to avoid usage of unknown values.
Optimized processing of keyword publish list.
Search requests now send up to 300 results
Improved updating of GUI for donwload queue [rayita]
Improved sending of OP_CANCELTRANSFER
IPFilter - file can be now in peerguardian-format as well
Reworked IP filter
Merging of the extended trayicon menue [eMule+]
Added new column to search results showing local file info.
Added optional support for MediaInfoLib (http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net) for viewing audio/video attributes of part and shared files. This feature is optional and will only be used if version of MediaInfoLib (MediaInfo.DLL) is copied to eMu
Added new connection state icon showing seperate eD2K and Kad network connection state and seperate LowID/HighID.
Sharefileslistcontrol offers rename,delete,open it´s folder via contextmenu for files
Allocating new filesize for tempfiles not blocking anymore (threading+buffering)
Auto Kad bootstrap if you are trying to connect and see a Kad client.
Option for automatic removal of completed downloads from list
Auteur |
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Membre d'Honneur
Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2003 Messages: 1217 Localisation: Ardennes
Posté le: Sam Fév 28, 2004 07:49
Sujet du message:
oki tu nou dira koi ^^ merci
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Apprenti Zen
Inscrit le: 21 Déc 2003 Messages: 199 Localisation: #emule-fr-zenzone
Posté le: Sam Fév 28, 2004 08:53
Sujet du message:
euh tu pourrai filer le lien pour le telecharger stp ???
Auteur |
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Apprenti Zen
Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2003 Messages: 152
Posté le: Sam Fév 28, 2004 19:22
Sujet du message: emule v.042b avec liens
Voici pour réparer mon oubli
Pour la 0.42b allez voir => ICI
Au fait, cette version kademlia ne devient-elle pas la version officielle d'emule, d'où mon post dans la version officielle?
(modéré par ChrisTooCool)
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Sexe: Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003 Messages: 1634 Localisation: ZenZoNe
Posté le: Sam Fév 28, 2004 20:47
Sujet du message:
dsl Eomer mais j'aime autant éviter les liens vers le site que tu avais mis
Merci quand même _________________
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Sexe: Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003 Messages: 1634 Localisation: ZenZoNe
Posté le: Lun Mar 01, 2004 15:41
Sujet du message:
Et bien à priori oui, sur le site officiel d'eMule, on ne trouve plus de version antécédantes à la 0.40, toutes les mules seront prochainement des Kademlia.
Nous adapterons les forums en fonction
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Apprenti Zen
Anniversaire : 31 Juil Zodiaque: Sexe: Inscrit le: 21 Aoû 2003 Messages: 241 Localisation: sur mon petit nuage
Posté le: Lun Mar 01, 2004 16:36
Sujet du message:
Jour tout le monde
Si je veux installer la nouvelle version d'emule, dois-je avant , désinstaller ma version 0.30e ?
Merci pour les réponses
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Sexe: Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003 Messages: 1634 Localisation: ZenZoNe
Posté le: Lun Mar 01, 2004 16:39
Sujet du message:
non c'est pas la peine
Prend la version Binary (en .zip) et remplace ton ancien fichier emule.exe et le repertoire Lang par ceux qui sont dans le .zip
Tu retrouvera ainsi tes telechargements en cours, tes points d'upload. Seule la version aura changée.
Bons Dls @Bientot
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Sexe: Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003 Messages: 1634 Localisation: ZenZoNe
Posté le: Mar Mar 02, 2004 11:50
Sujet du message:
Oui c'est faisable aussi, mais faut surtout pas oublier de sauvegarder son repertoire Config et de le remplacer une fois réinstallé.
Les deux methodes fonctionnent de toute façon
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