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[19/02/04] eMule 0.41b29 morphxt 1.4 |
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Membre d'Honneur
Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003 Messages: 1928 Localisation: Lorraine
Posté le: Jeu Fév 19, 2004 19:36
Sujet du message: [19/02/04] eMule 0.41b29 morphxt 1.4
pour les fans de la morphxt voici une nouvelle version la 1.4
et la Dll _fr pour avoir emule en francais....
Citation: |
Changelog pour eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT v1.4
FIXED : Soft Limiter for Queue [Yun.SF3]
FIXED : The default view value (HideOS, SelectiveChunk, Permissions & Share Only the Need) in the DownloadFile and SharedFile popup [SiRoB]
FIXED : When using the SmartA4AFSwapping the requested download list is not well updated [SiRoB]
FIXED : Popup Category causing crash when NULL is returned by GetCategory() [SiRoB]
FIXED : Set the minupload and not the maxupload by using the minupload's textbox in the popup systray [SiRoB]
FIXED : The high cpu usage should be out caused by checking every time if we need to remove (from the upload list) or not a client geting more than 10Mo [SiRoB]
ADDED : Patch against daylight saving bug.
Prevents EMule from rehashing all known files after 6 months when daylight saving comes into effect.
Can be activated in Morph Preferences. EMule needs to be restarted because it must eventually rehash all files (but only once and then no more)! [MightyKnife]
ADDED : Limited community support with community tags: Community icon, Columns for community affiliation in up-/client-/queuelist, Shared files visible for community.
(Of course no change of client rating in upload queue) [MightyKnife]
ADDED : Report hashing files activities [MightyKnife]
ADDED : Report activities in friendlist [MightyKnife]
ADDED : CRC32 calculation/testing for files. Right click on a file in the shared files list lets you calculate the CRC32 for the file.
Furthermore a releaser tag can be added (together with the CRC) to the filename (of course for multiple files at once, too).
The calculated CRC is shown in a column on the right - together with an info whether the calculated CRC was found in the filename.
(Hint: The calculated CRC32 will not be stored in known.met) [MightyKnife]
ADDED : searchCatch and cacheUDPsearchResults from [SlugFiller-itsonlyme]
NOTE : IP2Country now support to display flag of the country, this require countryflag.dll, also put it at /config/ |
a++ week _________________ This misuse of trust will forever stain the pages of history,
Echoing the exploitation and the frailty of decent
Men carried away by nurtured rancour...
Perpetual distrust fed by a belief
In the malevolence of the others
Auteur |
Message |
Membre d'Honneur
Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2003 Messages: 1217 Localisation: Ardennes
Posté le: Jeu Fév 19, 2004 19:40
Sujet du message:
merci bien ca va interesser des gens je pense ^^
moi je reste a kad pour linstant c po mal ^^
allez @pluche !
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Moderateur ZeN
Anniversaire : 27 Oct Zodiaque: Sexe: Inscrit le: 20 Oct 2003 Messages: 1329 Localisation: Nantes
Posté le: Jeu Fév 19, 2004 20:11
Sujet du message:
merci je mets à jour de suite
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