Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.3
* ADD: Option to enable background color FakeAlyzer indication for searches [Stulle]
* ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
* ADD: Copy files from bin package config to used config dir [Stulle]
* ADD: Turkish translation for installer [omeringen]
* ADD: "No to all" option for backup nagging dialog in Backup window [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Made sorting for client status (QR,...) more like official [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Made SafeHash ready for new AICH based file identifier (like official) [Stulle]
* CHANGE: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters [Stulle]
+ This caused own selection to be ignored!
* CHANGE: Don't block HTTP sources via DeadSourceList [Avi-3k]
* CHANGE: Increase space for strings in Morph Update windows [Stulle]
* FIX: Rehashing of file on receiving unusable AICH hashset reply [Stulle]
* FIX: Possible icon size related error when loading flag icons [WiZaRd]
* FIX: A4AF swapping aborted download and caused sources to not be reasked within 20 minutes [Stulle]
* FIX: Wrong file name mentioned in Startup sound error logging [Stulle]
* FIX: libpng warnings when compiling [moloko+]
* REMOVED: Some code around the sorting by score in QueueListCtrl [Stulle]
* Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [xilolee]; Turkish [omeringen]; Spanish [Rajil]
Dernière édition par Titine le Mer Déc 22, 2010 13:13; édité 1 fois
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