Posté le: Mar Avr 13, 2010 01:26 Sujet du message: eMule 0.50a TombStone v2.1
eMule 0.50a TombStone v2.1
TombStone is now based upon eMule v0.50a including all important updates/fixes that version offers.
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support ONLY - NOTHING MORE !
That's the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA.
The code is also much cleaner and easier to port/integrate to your own language/mod.
Changelog FiNaL:
Removed unnecessary user limitation that prevented downloading files in the default cat alphabetically
MetaDataDlg is now added on-the-fly when you change the ext controls pref setting
Fixed localization bug in shared files window
Fixed official bugs in indexed.cpp
Changelog Beta1:
Update to eMule v0.50a
Changed max upload from SESSIONMAXTRANS to PARTSIZE
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