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Google Chrome for Ubuntu Linux (Pre-Alpha Chromium Build)
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Google Chrome for Ubuntu Linux (Pre-Alpha Chromium Build) Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant 
Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 04 Juin
Zodiaque: Gémeaux
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 22 Déc 2008
Messages: 1779
Localisation: Béhobia, Pais Vasco, Spain

Posté le: Mar Mar 17, 2009 17:46
Sujet du message: Google Chrome for Ubuntu Linux (Pre-Alpha Chromium Build)
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Google Chrome for Ubuntu Linux (Pre-Alpha Chromium Build)

A Working Pre alpha build of chromium browser for Linux is available in PPA repository, chromium is open source engine behind google chrome. Chromium for Linux has GTK based interface which looks and work like windows interfaces.

Being in Pre Alpha build, chromium for Linux missing many features like bookmarks manager, tab etc. however like google chrome, chromium too renders each website in its own process which can be killed separately


Run following command to Install Chromium package on Ubuntu

Sudo apt install chromium-browser

PPA for Ubuntu Chromium Daily Builds maintains Ubuntu daily builds of the Chromium browser which is maintained by a bot, so it contains completely untested builds.


Source: askvg.com


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