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{CUSTO} Vista Rainbar 2009 For XP
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{CUSTO} Vista Rainbar 2009 For XP Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant 
Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 04 Juin
Zodiaque: Gémeaux
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 22 Déc 2008
Messages: 1779
Localisation: Béhobia, Pais Vasco, Spain

Posté le: Mar Mar 17, 2009 09:17
Sujet du message: {CUSTO} Vista Rainbar 2009 For XP
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Vista Rainbar 2009 For XP


Vista Rainbar 2009 For XP | 7.0MB

Superb one easy to install & does not sacrifice PC Performance . Vista Rainbar is an application that is easy to use. You can change the background between ten choices, it offers many gadgets such as clock, calendar, RSS feeds, weather, etc. with the option to customize its settings and skins.
The program is easy to install. It takes very little ram therefore does not slow down your computer, and of course, it runs on Windows XP and on Vista 100%” !

Homepage : http://www.deviantart.com/download/81263212/Vista_Rainbar_V4_by_Gavatx.rar




Vista Rainbar 2008





Vista Rainbar 4.3 Portable


Vista Rainbar 4.3 Portable | 6.8 Mb

Vista Sidebar clone for Rainmeter, Vista Rainbar is easy for using. This sidebar, whose you can change the background between around ten choice, offers many gadgets such as clock, calendar, RSS feeds, weather... with the possibility, for most of them, to customize settings and skins... the program is easy to install. It takes very little ram therefore does not slow down your computer, and of course, it runs on Windows XP and on Vista 100%...




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