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HiDownload 7.28
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Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 04 Juin
Zodiaque: Gémeaux
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 22 Déc 2008
Messages: 1779
Localisation: Béhobia, Pais Vasco, Spain

Posté le: Lun Fév 09, 2009 12:41
Sujet du message: HiDownload 7.28
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HiDownload 7.28

HiDownload est un puissant outil de téléchargement qui supporte les protocoles HTTP, FTP et MMS. Grâce aux nombreuses fonctions de HiDownload, vous pouvez facilement télécharger des fichiers. Téléchargement HTTP/FTP avec possibilité de reprise.

Supporte le protocole MMS avec la gestion de proxy HTTP/FTP/SOCKS, intégration de navigateur, catégories de téléchargement, puissante capacité d'analyse, etc.


HiDownload Key Features:

* Accelerated Downloads: By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
* Support HTTP, FTP, MMS/MMST/MMSU, RTSP, PNM protocols
* Record Streaming Video and Streaming Audio. All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
- Windows Media™
- Real Audio™ and Real Video™
- QuickTime™
- Flash Video (FLV)
- Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast™, IceCast)
* Record all kinds of great online media, including:
- Music Videos.
- YouTube, PutFile, Google Video and other Video Sites.
- Live Internet TV and Radio.
- Streaming Webcams.
- Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.
* Support Meta-files: ram, smil, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
* Categories: you can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
* Broadcast Manager
* Browser Integration: The program can detect clicks on certain file types in the most common browsers and automatically handle the downloads for you. Currently HiDownload Pro integrates with: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera
* Advanced Scheduler: you decide when and what will be downloaded!
* Zip Preview: view the contents of Zip files before download
* Zip Extract: download & extract specific files from zip archive
* Virus Checking: You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
* Support Proxy Server: You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
* Cookies support
* Rename automatically

Homepage - http://www.hidownload.com





Dernière édition par goOK le Ven Mar 27, 2009 11:20; édité 2 fois
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Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 04 Juin
Zodiaque: Gémeaux
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 22 Déc 2008
Messages: 1779
Localisation: Béhobia, Pais Vasco, Spain

Posté le: Mer Mar 04, 2009 19:27
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Mise a jour de HiDownload

Changes in Version 7.27 (Mar 5, 2009):

* Add "Download youtube in high quality" option. HiDownload pick automatically the high quality videos, and download them from youtube.com.
* Add "Disable balloon notifications" option

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