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eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.9 |
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Da GuRu
Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006 Messages: 22
Posté le: Jeu Mai 17, 2007 13:47
Sujet du message: eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.9
eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.6
Citation: | About:
This Mod is an attempt to revitalise the best parts from the NetF Mod to provide an easy to use but yet powerful eMule client.
Sub-Chunk Transfer
- Crumbs, enables sharing of not yet completed parts
Faster Endgame
- Dynamic Block Requests, tries to make all sources to complete at the same time
- Delayed NNP, keeps downloading sources a little bit longer in case a part turns out corrupt
- Drop Stalled Sources, cancels stalled or slow downloads when file is about to complete to give way for faster sources
- Redownload only data of banned clients on corruption
Anti-P2P Protection
- Safe KAD (slows down the spreading of bad KAD nodes)
Credits and Payback
- VIP ("Payback") Queue, as the Payback queue but with different bandwidth management
- Balanced Ratio Payback, make clients, who have a ratio higher than your inverse ratio, VIP's
- Smart Part File Push, rebalances between complete and part files based on previous upload
All the features of the ESE Mod
Known bugs:
'Only Recover Banned Data' might cause looping downloads or complete stalls if corruption occurs and NetF fail the recovery process.
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.6 BETA
- Based on eMule 0.48a
- Added filtering of KAD nodes based on if the ID xor difference between own / source node have more than 6 bytes identical
- Added recalculation of own KAD ID if more than 6 bytes are identical
- Added modified NetF WARP icon [thanks Typoteus for the original one]
- Fixed lookup when not receiving valid KAD recovery data
- Fixed some messed up type casts
- Fixed a bug with the long term (2hrs) datarate calculation for clients
- Fixed some crashes related to incorrect pointer references
- Optimized CUInt128 class code (made inline)
- Put some often used code inlined |
Download Mirrors:
Dernière édition par Da GuRu le Lun Juil 09, 2007 08:32; édité 1 fois
Auteur |
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Da GuRu
Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006 Messages: 22
Posté le: Lun Juil 09, 2007 08:32
Sujet du message:
eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.9
Citation: | About:
This Mod is an attempt to revitalise the best parts from the NetF Mod to provide an easy to use but yet powerful eMule client.
Sub-Chunk Transfer
- Crumbs, enables sharing of not yet completed parts
Faster Endgame
- Dynamic Block Requests, tries to make all sources to complete at the same time
- Delayed NNP, keeps downloading sources a little bit longer in case a part turns out corrupt
- Drop Stalled Sources, cancels stalled or slow downloads when file is about to complete to give way for faster sources
- Redownload only data of banned clients on corruption
Anti-P2P Protection
- Safe KAD (keeps bad KAD nodes out of the way)
Credits and Payback
- VIP ("Payback") Queue, as the Payback queue but with different bandwidth management
- Balanced Ratio Payback, make clients, who have a ratio higher than your inverse ratio, VIP's
- Smart Part File Push, rebalances between complete and part files based on previous upload
All the features of the ESE Mod
Known bugs:
Eats memory
May hang on exit
Spread bars sometimes show in black instead of blue
'Only Recover Banned Data' might cause looping downloads or complete stalls if corruption occurs and NetF fail the recovery process.
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.9 BETA
- Updated code to compile with Visual C++ 2005 and in 64 bit mode using Vista SDK
- Updated to latest AsyncSocketEx code
- Changed library set to use the ones compiled by Howe
- Added CPU load limiter to main thread
- Changed compression levels to better reflect the higher performance of 64 bit machines
- Changed KAD search algorithm to better deal with rouge nodes
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.8 BETA
- Changed KAD to only add nodes that appears useful
- Fixed source distribution with some files that wasn't checked in
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.7 BETA
- Added "Track and ban" functionality to KAD
- Added message bounce protection to KAD
- Changed KAD to only add contacts received throught searches after succesfully managed to receive new contacts throught them
- Changed KAD NODE searches to choose a contact at a random distance from the target (gives better distribution of contacts)
- Optimized KAD searches to always attempt to find the 8 best contacts
- Fixed a bug that could cause NetF WARP to crash when a part is corrupted
- Fixed a bug causing some corrupt parts to download forever
- Note! There was an unmentioned change in NetF WARP 0.3a.6 BETA that makes the download throttling more stable. |
Download Mirrors:
Auteur |
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ZenZonE Team
Anniversaire : 10 Mai Zodiaque: Sexe: Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2003 Messages: 2274 Localisation: DTC ;D
Posté le: Lun Juil 09, 2007 08:46
Sujet du message:
A L'attention de DA GURU :
Merci de participer en annoncant les nouveaux mod emule MAIS car ya un Mais il serait mieux d'annoncer celel que tu utilises et que tu nous laisse tes impressions ou un petit tuto pourquoi pas
donc je ne suis aps contre mais sans explication de ta part pour les mods je prendrais ca pour du spam
ZenZone est aps une boite de pandore, ni un cagibi
On prefere la qualité a la quantité
J'attend de tes nouvelles DA GURU
@plus _________________
Selon le philosophe Ly Tin Wheedle, on trouve le CHAOS en plus grande abondance où l'on recherche l'ORDRE.
Le CHAOS l'emporte toujours sur l'ORDRE parce qu'il est mieux organisé.
Auteur |
Message |
Da GuRu
Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006 Messages: 22
Posté le: Sam Nov 10, 2007 01:24
Sujet du message:
eMule 0.48a NetF WARP 0.3a.11
Citation: | Changelog:
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.11 BETA
- Added support to launch files directly with WINE Gnome & KDE desktops from eMule.
- Fixed a problem with checkin in the code to my private VSN server.
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.10 BETA
- Dropped PeerCache due to problematic code and that it is rarely/never used.
- Switched to SECURE CRT functions in a lot of places.
- Made Fakealyzer a separate module and added more color levels.
- Changed CrumbMaps to pack 8 status bits per byte. (less memory, more CPU)
- Changed UpdatePartsInfo related code to use much less CPU but with a little bit less precision.
- Fixed an issue with files >4GB in KAD.
- Fixed AsyncSocketEx deadlocks and memory corruption.
- Fixed deadlock in debug mode when opening dialog windows.
- Fixed a lot of warnings! |
Modération par titine
On a dit plus de liens sans explications de ta part!
Auteur |
Message |
Petit Bouddha Zen
Anniversaire : 25 Juin Zodiaque: Sexe: Inscrit le: 24 Nov 2003 Messages: 1198 Localisation: par GPS,téléphone portable,carte banquaire,contrôle transport,connexion internet
Auteur |
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ZenZonE Team
Anniversaire : 10 Mai Zodiaque: Sexe: Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2003 Messages: 2274 Localisation: DTC ;D
Posté le: Sam Nov 10, 2007 09:48
Sujet du message:
titine c'est un allemand j'ai déja discuté avec lui
la semaine prochaine je vais le reprendre en mp et lui expliquer comment fonctionne zenzone
j'ai rien contre DA Guru mais qu'il fasse quelque chose pour se plier a la zenzone bref je vois ca la semaine pro
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