Changelog for eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.3
ADD: Always show as trayicon option.
ADD: Http links in ed2k links like linkcreator (MoNKi)
ADD: Friendnote. Noting area for adding notes about friendlist. (CB mod)
-Will be automatically saved and reloaded at each start-up.
ADD: Static IP Filter (Stulle)
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
ADD: run as NT service v1. [leuk_he]
-No need to login into XP.
-keeps running after logging out/ switching users
-new command line options:
"emule install" --> install as as ervice
"emule uninstall" --> uninsntall as a service.
-make sure all settings are correct before installing as a service.
-links as passed to webservice.
-See Preferences->Webserver->NTservice tab
remark: Not meant to save cpu/memory.
ADD: Context menu on chat context. (wizard codesnippet)
ADD: Lost preferences. Most official preferences that got an prefereces.ini setting but no gui are
Added in preferences->extented->Advanced preferneces.
CHANGED:USC: better slotfocus.
CHANGED:More upload speed for webcache requester. (no 100ms delay)
CHANGED:And also DBR reviewed for high bandwidth transfer.
CHANGED:Flush thread, improved.
CHANGED:Better requested block queuing
CHANGED:Sr-13 import, Also use AICH hash when required.
FIX: Upnp: using same port for tcp & udp now possible.
CHANGED:uPnP moved most logging to verbose level.
FIX: sr-13 import: Chrash on cancel during running import.
FIX: Chrash on low diskspace resume.
ADDED: Official fix arround CreatePackedPackets (missed overhead filerequest value for file >4GB)
24 instead of 28
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