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[MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13]
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[MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13] Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant 
Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 24 Avr
Zodiaque: Taureau
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2003
Messages: 4649
Localisation: juste au dessus de la choucroute

Posté le: Sam Juil 29, 2006 16:25
Sujet du message: [MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13]
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eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13]


Telechargement :

Exécutable (pour mise a jour decompressez les zip dans le repertoire d'installation de morph) :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13 ] Binary (.zip)

Sources :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.13] Sources (code source de programmation)


Docs et Traduction :

dll de langue francaise Pour MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

FAQ MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

Réglage de l'USS :
:arrow: Comment le regler soit meme l'USS
:arrow: Quelques Rêglages pour L'USS

Choix Du System de Credits avec MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI


Changelog :


Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13

* FIXED: MergeKnown: statistic merge from SlugFiller mod has been fixed to avoid crash
- also fixes duplicate files
* FIXED: SCC: Khaos Category management
- When you add multiple file those file are now properly associated to category reguarding setting
- Default to category 0, if all other methods don't match.
* FIXED: GUI: Official fix arround unability to open completed file when they were renamed in the sharedfile window
* FIXED: GUI: Wrong sorting arround sharedfile window
* FIXED: Command line: Do not start after "emule exit" and emule was not running.
* ADDED: GUI: more mod icons [Stulle]
* ADDED: GUI: Extra infos in Client Tooltip
* ADDED: GUI: Remaining Available Data from a client in Remaining Size column of Transfer windows
* ADDED: Don't compress uploaded data if datarate is above 180kBytes/s
* ADDED: Split block package accorddingly to datarate speed (idea of zz)
* ADDED: KAD: Apply ip filter for send udp packets. No packets are send to ip that are ipfiltered on receive.[leuk_he]
* ADDED: Official fix to work arround Reask Answer dropped for lowid behind router with NAPT enabled (pointed by DavidXanatos)
* ADDED: Portugese braziallian (pt_br) translation [fabulous]
* ADDED: Chinese simplified translation (zh_CN) translation [pennyliu123]
* ADDED: More Webcache statistics displayed.
* CHANGED: DCD: Display also current download chunk number and session completed download from a client
* CHANGED: Some tooltip spelling thx to fabulous (pt_br translator) [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: USC: Should now respect higher class number of slot and reduce as much as possible open slot
* CHANGED: WAP: Removed some uneeded code
* CHANGED: FlushThread: Reviewed to work arround not flushed data at shutdown
* CHANGED: ReadBlockFromFileThread: Reviewed to be able to read data from disk and prepare block requested at the same time
* CHANGED: Unlimited upload now works on WSA_WOULDBLOCK corrreclty. (No USC needed)
* CHANGED: Update upnp library to 1.4.x (thrunk version) 26/07/2006 http://www.libupnp.org/
* CHANGED: known.met format better compatible. (noted by david?)
* CHANGED: Drop lower class"pre-empt" slots more often when opehing higher class slot

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA7

* FIX : Collection double extension from CiccioBastardo
* CHANGED: USC: SOlve "slot explosions" from previous beta
* CHANGED: USC: Roll back the old slot counter way
* CHANGED: USC: Solved slot added and not needed
* CHANGED : Dynamic Block Request, number of requested blocks.

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA6

* CHANGED: USC: Use same socket buffer for all class (may reduce focus effet on faster client)
* CHANGED: USC: Slot are properly added into uploadbandwidth list
* CHANGED: USC: LowID client are now correctly added when they missed a slot

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA5

* CHANGED: USC: global code review (Slot# is now displayed per class)
* CHANGED: DBR: only request additionnal block when it remains only one block on remote client

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA4

* FIX: LOG: Chrash on adding ed2k link.
* ADDED : WC: Chunk Detail Display
* CHANGED: CDD: Chunk Detail Display homogeneous color choise
* CHANGED: ReadBlockFromFileThead: Changed to only prebuffer up to 2*180kBytes
* CHANGED: USC: Reworked to handle all possible case for opening slot strategy
* CHANGED: DSB: Changed the way to accumulate data
* CHANGED: WC: Fixed the socket transformation from clientsocketreq to webcachesocket class by preserving the connect state
* CHANGED: Slotlimit: upspeed/3 is now per class.
* TWEAKED: Enhanced DBR: Take into account remaining reserved data

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA3

* ADDED : GUI: Dont ask me again on exit dialog. (minor)
* ADDED : GUI: Downloading Chunk Detail Display in Completed column
* ADDED : GUI: Downloading & Uploading Chunk block limit display
* CHANGED: DSB: Wait before sending data until we have 250ms of bandwidth to send (acummulate data)
* REMOVED: GUI: Don't Refresh item if not needed to work arround sorting issu

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA2

* Minor: DSB Slotfoucs and class queue handling [leuk_he/stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.13 BETA

* ADDED : GUI: Upload Chunk detail Column
* CHANGED: IP+TCP header from data transfer are now considered as overhead, you still able to compare data overhead by looking at emule statusbar [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: DSB: Rise socket buffer limit to 1MBytes (was 256kB) [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: Adapted it to get benefit of DSB [SiRoB]
* NOTE: You will notice higher and proper overhead display on graph.

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.12

* CHANGED: DSB: Activate Dynamic socket buffer (Was forced to 256kB) [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.11

* FIXED : (major) FlushThread: Crash Fix when we canceled a file and Flush thread running [SiRoB]
* FIXED : (minor) GUI: Busy state display now the busy state of right socket (Normal, PeerCache, WebCache) [SiRoB]
* ADDED : DSB: Dynamic Socket Buffering [SiRoB]
- set socket buffer used to transfert data up to 250ms of uploadbandwidth
* ADDED : DBR: Enhance number of requested block [SiRoB

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.10
* FIXED : (minor) USC: Percentage setting for PowerShare Class was not taken into account (thanks to fafner) [SiRoB]
* FIXED : (minor) correct ipfiltering of servers based on report by bluesonicboy [leuk_he]
* ADDED : DBR: Dynamic Block Requests by netfinity [SiRoB]
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround upload Obtained Parts [SiRoB]
- this help to properly display yellow pending upload area
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround DownloadClient ProgressBar [SiRoB]
- this prevent false green chunk display
* ADDED : Tooltips for some preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Bindaddr added to extended preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Added a Bind addres for Upnp [leuk_he]
* ADDED : emcrypt gpl violator protection by Xman [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
- you can see the activities by enabling up/down log event and check the morph log
* ADDED : GUI: Server Icon in DownloadClientsCtrl [Stulle]
* ADDED : GUI: Powershare Graph [SiRoB]
* ADDED : DBR: extended it to prevent extra download time (light BlueSonicBoy code) [SiRoB]
- avoid download stuck with very slow source (trickle) and reserve too much block
* ADDED : SendCancelTransfer after the A4AF swap try when we run out possible block to request [SiRoB]
* ADDED : Don't count aborted downloading source du to noneeded part as failed [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: WC: reworked to make proxy configuration test working with random port feature [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ICS: reworked to take into account an A4AF swaping during a ProcessFileStatus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: Default Forced UDP Ping has been changed to disable [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: renamed uss Force udp on, (USSUDP_FORCE), you will have to reenable if you needed it before. [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: we can import part into Stopped or Paused file if AICH list is available [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: Chunk with some data already written are also imported [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: proper equal bandwidth for each slot when we don't use slot focus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: HIDEOS & SOTN: reworked a bit to properly display hidden chunk [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: No log messagge in log on spam. (only in verbose) [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: GUI: focus steal check on message by raccoonI [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: updated with zzUL-0060413-2149 with some fix arround socket requeue [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: updated to feet zz change [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: dimmed ipfiltered servers[leuk_he]
* CHANGED: FlushThread: Reflush When we attempted to flushBuffer whereas the thread didn't get enough time to finish [SiRoB]

leuk_he a écrit:
To make some comparison this version is able to download up to 8MBytes/s over one single socket whereas any other actual emule can only achieve no more than 2MBytes/s in same condition (with a tiny PC: PIII500 256MBytes).

-You may notice a bit more failed download than the previous version because some download session were not counted.
-New Dynamic socket buffer. FOr higher upload
-Brazilian Portuguese and chinese translation included.
-IP+TCP header from data transfer are now considered as overhead. you will

see more overhead

Be free to let us know in the forum if our work realy rocks.

Enjoy & Good Share.

Après de longs mois de tatonnement voici enfin la nouvelle MorphXT enjoy :)
C'est en sciant que Léonard De Vinci


Dernière édition par christo le Sam Aoû 05, 2006 08:31; édité 1 fois
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Auteur Message
Petit maitre Zen
Petit maitre Zen

Anniversaire : 17 Oct
Zodiaque: Balance
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 16 Aoû 2004
Messages: 497

Posté le: Dim Juil 30, 2006 13:38
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Hé hé prems ^^
Merci a toi je met sa a jour!
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Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 16 Mar 2005
Messages: 1467
Localisation: dans le trous du cu du monde

Posté le: Ven Aoû 18, 2006 23:31
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merci j avis pas vue la maj
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