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[MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12]
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[MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12] Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant 
Auteur Message

Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003
Messages: 1634
Localisation: ZenZoNe

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 08:40
Sujet du message: [MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12]
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eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12]


Telechargement :

Exécutable (pour mise a jour decompressez les zip dans le repertoire d'installation de morph) :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12 ] Binary (.zip)

Sources :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12] Sources (code source de programmation)


Docs et Traduction :

dll de langue francaise Pour MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

FAQ MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

Réglage de l'USS :
:arrow: Comment le regler soit meme l'USS
:arrow: Quelques Rêglages pour L'USS

Choix Du System de Credits avec MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI


Changelog :


Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.12
FIXED : (minor) WC: fix the temporary wrong download session count (very old bug) [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) USC: Ajusted to respect clientdatarate limit in all the cases [SiRoB]

ADDED : Reactivate Webcache Proxy on succefull manual test [SiRoB]
ADDED : DBR: Extended it to use aproximative remaining data from the source vs global remaining data [SiRoB]
ADDED : Adapted number of requested block (less for slowest sources) [SiRoB]
ADDED : GUI: Started But Incomplete chunk visualisation from zz mod
ADDED : KAD: Official patch by Unknown1 [SiRoB]
ADDED : Send Array Packet (feature that may reduce upload perturbation) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Dynamic Socket BUffering (feature to reduce effect of high latency uploading client) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Only one upload connecting client at a time when scheduled slot are available [SiRoB]
ADDED : WC: drop WCBlock with proxyip filtered by ipfilter [SiRoB]
ADDED : GUI: Official fix Statistics dialog too small (2x) by bluesonicboy [leuk_he]
ADDED : DBR: Enhance number of requested block [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Moved community tag visualisation from Morph to MorphShare Preferences [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
CHANGED: GUI: Draw chunk dot on top [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FlushThread: Updated it to work arround Completing start before all buffered data was freed [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FlushThread: Crash Fix when we canceled a file and Flush thread runing [SiRoB]

REMOVED: WC: removed submit link from wcprefs since it is abandoned [leuk_he]
REMOVED: netfinity: Raised threshold as anything below 3kB/s suggest there is a problem [SiRoB]

TWEAKED: ICS: merged into partstatus making less resource and cpu consumption [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: USC: Reduce Uploading Slot [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.10
* FIXED : (minor) USC: Percentage setting for PowerShare Class was not taken into account (thanks to fafner) [SiRoB]
* FIXED : (minor) correct ipfiltering of servers based on report by bluesonicboy [leuk_he]
* ADDED : DBR: Dynamic Block Requests by netfinity [SiRoB]
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround upload Obtained Parts [SiRoB]
- this help to properly display yellow pending upload area
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround DownloadClient ProgressBar [SiRoB]
- this prevent false green chunk display
* ADDED : Tooltips for some preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Bindaddr added to extended preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Added a Bind addres for Upnp [leuk_he]
* ADDED : emcrypt gpl violator protection by Xman [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
- you can see the activities by enabling up/down log event and check the morph log
* ADDED : GUI: Server Icon in DownloadClientsCtrl [Stulle]
* ADDED : GUI: Powershare Graph [SiRoB]
* ADDED : DBR: extended it to prevent extra download time (light BlueSonicBoy code) [SiRoB]
- avoid download stuck with very slow source (trickle) and reserve too much block
* ADDED : SendCancelTransfer after the A4AF swap try when we run out possible block to request [SiRoB]
* ADDED : Don't count aborted downloading source du to noneeded part as failed [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: WC: reworked to make proxy configuration test working with random port feature [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ICS: reworked to take into account an A4AF swaping during a ProcessFileStatus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: Default Forced UDP Ping has been changed to disable [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: renamed uss Force udp on, (USSUDP_FORCE), you will have to reenable if you needed it before. [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: we can import part into Stopped or Paused file if AICH list is available [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: Chunk with some data already written are also imported [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: proper equal bandwidth for each slot when we don't use slot focus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: HIDEOS & SOTN: reworked a bit to properly display hidden chunk [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: No log messagge in log on spam. (only in verbose) [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: GUI: focus steal check on message by raccoonI [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: updated with zzUL-0060413-2149 with some fix arround socket requeue [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: updated to feet zz change [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: dimmed ipfiltered servers[leuk_he]
* CHANGED: FlushThread: Reflush When we attempted to flushBuffer whereas the thread didn't get enough time to finish [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.9
ADDED : netfinity: Fixed printing of offset and byte count (need to use 64 bit format codes) [SiRoB]
ADDED : netfinity: Raised threshold as anything below 3kB/s suggest there is a problem [SiRoB]
ADDED : WC: We are able to see which chunk received WCBlock to be downloaded from proxy [SiRoB]

CHANGED: WC: Something was wrong arround the methode choise for Publish WCBlock [SiRoB]

NOTE: sorry for those numerous update, but i don't have a proper webcache proxy hunder the hand.
Anyway if i had not dig a bit the code this feature will have still useless for ever.
Now every thing is ok, i finaly found why WCBlock were not properly spreaded as in the old offcial webcache client.
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.8
FIXED : WC: WCBlock sent will content the proper proxy ip [SiRoB]

CHANGED: WC: received WCBlock not succefully downloaded were blocking some filepart zone to be downloaded [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.7
CHANGED: WC: Finaly working fine [SiRoB]

ADDED : Trickle datarate is now 0.1kB/s for low speed datarate (i.e <6kB/s)[SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.6
FIXED : ImportParts: Put back previous file state at the end of the import process [SiRoB]
FIXED : SpreadBar is now correctly saved for +4GB file [SiRoB]

CHANGED: HideOS & SOTN: They are working together and always revalate 2 chunks [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Average datarate calcul a bit [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SlugFiller SafeHash code changed to work arround false corrupted part report with the ReadBlockFromFileThread [SiRoB]
CHANGED: WC: In case download query failed use ed2k request instead [SiRoB]
CHANGED: WC: ResolveWebCachename has been changed to work arround dns change

ADDED : HideOS & SOTN: Don't upload requested hidden block [SiRoB]
ADDED : Attempt to avoid connection Collision [SiRoB]
ADDED : Global source limit [Stulle]
ADDED : Source cache by Xman [Stulle]
ADDED : USS: Option to force UDP ping in morph preferency [SiRoB]
ADDED : USC: max upload datarate setting for a each class based on upload speed percentage [SiRoB]

TWEAKED: USC: available bandwidth is spreaded differently [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: Lowering memory consumption a bit by merging some data (See Chunk that we hide) [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: ReadBlockFromFileThread:
- get free of the upload process timer
- this make 1.8MB/s limit rise up to ?
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.5
FIXED : (minor) ImportParts: make it working when the file is stopped [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) ReadBlockFromFileThread: don't use partfile permanent handle in thread [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) GetAvailablePartCount() by adding us as available part [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) SlugFiller SafeHash code to work arround ed2klink with hashset [SiRoB]

ADDED : Slotlimit like StulleMule [leuk_he]
- not limmited, Where the upload code decides to open more slots as needed.
- a set number 60-255, for high speed uploaders that wants to limit the upload slots manually.
ADDED : Occurate download limiter [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Roll back my nice average calcul system [SiRoB]

REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller Code arround WriteToBuffer [SiRoB]
- there is a bug but i got headache to fix it, maybe something arround gaplist.
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.4
FIXED : (minor) Save sources for multiple tempdir & system icon mulit tempdirs [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) average datarate calcul was wrong (USS & Onlinesig were affected, introduced in 8.3) [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.3
FIXED : (minor) WC: Make the Webcache Test work when we are using RandomPort feature pointed by WiZaRd [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) WC: Make the WebCache Test work when we are using Fast Connection Reject option [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) WC: Reworked a bit the fix arround MultiOHCB [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) WC: Display only once msgbox "Your Proxyserver does not seem to...." [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Average datarate speed as been reviewed a bit [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Turn back official slot limiter [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.2
FIXED : (minor) Fixed glitch display arround webcache file infos detail [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Fixed Official WebCache OP_MULTI_FILE_REASK packet build [SiRoB]
- packet were malformed du to extrat data at begin
FIXED : (minor) MemLeak fix arround ICS pointed by WiZaRd [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) WebCache 2.0.1 Fix arround allocated memory [SiRoB]

ADDED : Offcial Patch for Getclosestto function by Unknown1 [SiRoB]
ADDED : Upnp checkbox in first time run wizard. [leuk_he]
ADDED : Take into account IP+TCP header [SiRoB]
- WARNING Keep in mind you will see more overhead

CHANGED: TryToConnect has been changed to know when we filter some connection red$

REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller noneededrequeue [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller safe hash arround hashsetneeded [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.1
FIXED : (major) Weird change making some eratic opened slot [SiRoB]

changelog for emule 0.47a MorphXT v8.0
MERGED : Ported to 0.47a version [SiRoB/Stulle]

FIXED : (major) Crash on rename from explorer if file still displayed in transer list [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) No more crash du to completed file (a very very old bug in SlugFiller code) [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) When there is only A4AF source and they are removed, display information are updated [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) GUI: file detail arround webcache stat is properly displayed [Stulle]

ADDED : USC: Don't open new slot when connection doesn't send any data [SiRoB]
ADDED : FlushThread to write on hard disk without locking GUI [SiRoB]

CHANGED: No FunnyNick for added HTTP sources [Stulle]
CHANGED: No ZZ ratio for added HTTP sources [Stulle]
CHANGED: WC: Support +4GBytes files [SiRoB]
CHANGED: ImportPart: Reworked to be used and stopped at anytime [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SOTN: Reviewed to not show us as a complet source even if we are the only source [SiRoB]
- du to share only the need mecanisme client will always see a virtual complet source
- share only the need still the safer and best way to always keep a file well spreaded by balancing the upload chunk
CHANGED: Auto PowerShare and PowerShare limit has been reviewed [SiRoB]

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Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2006
Messages: 17

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 08:50
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Merci maj faite
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Auteur Message
AncienMembre Anon.
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2004
Messages: 1425

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 11:34
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Poy Poy et merci Christoocool :)
mouarff y a pasx eu de morphnext 8.11 si je ne m abuse ?? :D
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Auteur Message

Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2003
Messages: 1634
Localisation: ZenZoNe

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 11:51
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héhé, si il y a eu une 8.11 mais la 8.12 a été mise a dispo 1h après ;)
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Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 13 Juin
Zodiaque: Gémeaux
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 17 Aoû 2004
Messages: 1657
Localisation: Dans une ville de reve ou le p2p est legal!!!

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 12:10
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Merci mise a jour faite!
Vive le p2p!!!
La liberté est un droit ne la perdons pas!!!!!!
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Auteur Message
AncienMembre Anon.
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2004
Messages: 1425

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 14:14
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c est du rapide chez Morph ^^

Merci encore , meme si je ne l utilise qu episodiquement , c est toujour et ca restera un des meilleurs mods sur la scene p2p :)
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Auteur Message
Bouddha Zen
Bouddha Zen

Anniversaire : 24 Avr
Zodiaque: Taureau
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2003
Messages: 4649
Localisation: juste au dessus de la choucroute

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 15:16
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Si si y a eu une Morphxt 8.11 et 8.11 beta 2 qui tournait depuis le 6 mai mais avec pas mal de petit bug, mais bizarrement la 8.12 n'apparait pas sur le site officiel http://emulemorph.sourceforge.net/ merci en tout cas vais voir ce qu'elle donne.
C'est en sciant que Léonard De Vinci

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Auteur Message
Petit Bouddha Zen
Petit Bouddha Zen

Sexe: Sexe:Femme
Inscrit le: 01 Fév 2004
Messages: 1042

Posté le: Mar Mai 09, 2006 19:14
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Merci ChrisTooCool,mise à jour faite ;-)


Une vie ne vaut rien, mais rien ne vaut une vie.

L'homme est un roseau,le plus faible de la nature,mais un roseau pensant.
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Auteur Message
Apprenti Zen
Apprenti Zen

Inscrit le: 23 Jan 2004
Messages: 167

Posté le: Jeu Mai 11, 2006 11:53
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C est quand meme incroyable, la Morph 8.12 personne n'en parle.
Ni open-files, ni ratiatum ni comme le signale ChrisTooCool le site officiel....
Je deviens parano ????? :-o
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Auteur Message
Apprenti Zen
Apprenti Zen

Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2005
Messages: 271
Localisation: WeedCity

Posté le: Ven Mai 12, 2006 17:35
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Je viens de mettre a Jour Merci :red:
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Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 10 Nov 2005
Messages: 3
Localisation: Ville sur Yron (Lorraine,France)

Posté le: Lun Mai 15, 2006 14:51
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Mise a jour faite!
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Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 20 Mai 2006
Messages: 2

Posté le: Dim Mai 21, 2006 13:37
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Merci! MAJ faite également, mais c'est vrai que c'est bizarre qu'on en parle nulle part... :ordi:
Je suis pas si sur que c'est une super idée de reter à cette version vu que même le site d'origine n'est pas au courant.....


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Auteur Message
Apprenti Zen
Apprenti Zen

Anniversaire : 31 Oct
Zodiaque: Scorpion
Sexe: Sexe:Homme
Inscrit le: 20 Oct 2003
Messages: 157
Localisation: Pas Loin!

Posté le: Dim Mai 28, 2006 20:42
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tiens alors ca c'est sacrement bizarre,moi je tourne avec le mod morphnext
aussi,mais j'ai v8.13 BETA!!!
depuis environ 2 semaines....!
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Re: [MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12] Voir le sujet précédent Voir le sujet suivant 
Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 27 Juil 2006
Messages: 1

Posté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2006 22:57
Sujet du message: Re: [MORPH]eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12]
Répondre en citant

ChrisTooCool a écrit:

eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12]


Telechargement :

Exécutable (pour mise a jour decompressez les zip dans le repertoire d'installation de morph) :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12 ] Binary (.zip)

Sources :
:arrow: eMule 0.47a [ MorphXT v8.12] Sources (code source de programmation)


Docs et Traduction :

dll de langue francaise Pour MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

FAQ MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI

Réglage de l'USS :
:arrow: Comment le regler soit meme l'USS
:arrow: Quelques Rêglages pour L'USS

Choix Du System de Credits avec MorphXT :
:arrow: ICI


Changelog :


Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.12
FIXED : (minor) WC: fix the temporary wrong download session count (very old bug) [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) USC: Ajusted to respect clientdatarate limit in all the cases [SiRoB]

ADDED : Reactivate Webcache Proxy on succefull manual test [SiRoB]
ADDED : DBR: Extended it to use aproximative remaining data from the source vs global remaining data [SiRoB]
ADDED : Adapted number of requested block (less for slowest sources) [SiRoB]
ADDED : GUI: Started But Incomplete chunk visualisation from zz mod
ADDED : KAD: Official patch by Unknown1 [SiRoB]
ADDED : Send Array Packet (feature that may reduce upload perturbation) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Dynamic Socket BUffering (feature to reduce effect of high latency uploading client) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Only one upload connecting client at a time when scheduled slot are available [SiRoB]
ADDED : WC: drop WCBlock with proxyip filtered by ipfilter [SiRoB]
ADDED : GUI: Official fix Statistics dialog too small (2x) by bluesonicboy [leuk_he]
ADDED : DBR: Enhance number of requested block [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Moved community tag visualisation from Morph to MorphShare Preferences [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
CHANGED: GUI: Draw chunk dot on top [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FlushThread: Updated it to work arround Completing start before all buffered data was freed [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FlushThread: Crash Fix when we canceled a file and Flush thread runing [SiRoB]

REMOVED: WC: removed submit link from wcprefs since it is abandoned [leuk_he]
REMOVED: netfinity: Raised threshold as anything below 3kB/s suggest there is a problem [SiRoB]

TWEAKED: ICS: merged into partstatus making less resource and cpu consumption [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: USC: Reduce Uploading Slot [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.10
* FIXED : (minor) USC: Percentage setting for PowerShare Class was not taken into account (thanks to fafner) [SiRoB]
* FIXED : (minor) correct ipfiltering of servers based on report by bluesonicboy [leuk_he]
* ADDED : DBR: Dynamic Block Requests by netfinity [SiRoB]
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround upload Obtained Parts [SiRoB]
- this help to properly display yellow pending upload area
* ADDED : minor official bug fix arround DownloadClient ProgressBar [SiRoB]
- this prevent false green chunk display
* ADDED : Tooltips for some preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Bindaddr added to extended preferences [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Added a Bind addres for Upnp [leuk_he]
* ADDED : emcrypt gpl violator protection by Xman [leuk_he]
* ADDED : Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
- you can see the activities by enabling up/down log event and check the morph log
* ADDED : GUI: Server Icon in DownloadClientsCtrl [Stulle]
* ADDED : GUI: Powershare Graph [SiRoB]
* ADDED : DBR: extended it to prevent extra download time (light BlueSonicBoy code) [SiRoB]
- avoid download stuck with very slow source (trickle) and reserve too much block
* ADDED : SendCancelTransfer after the A4AF swap try when we run out possible block to request [SiRoB]
* ADDED : Don't count aborted downloading source du to noneeded part as failed [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: WC: reworked to make proxy configuration test working with random port feature [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ICS: reworked to take into account an A4AF swaping during a ProcessFileStatus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: Default Forced UDP Ping has been changed to disable [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USS: renamed uss Force udp on, (USSUDP_FORCE), you will have to reenable if you needed it before. [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: we can import part into Stopped or Paused file if AICH list is available [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: ImportPart: Chunk with some data already written are also imported [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: proper equal bandwidth for each slot when we don't use slot focus [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: HIDEOS & SOTN: reworked a bit to properly display hidden chunk [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: No log messagge in log on spam. (only in verbose) [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: GUI: focus steal check on message by raccoonI [leuk_he]
* CHANGED: updated with zzUL-0060413-2149 with some fix arround socket requeue [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: USC: updated to feet zz change [SiRoB]
* CHANGED: GUI: dimmed ipfiltered servers[leuk_he]
* CHANGED: FlushThread: Reflush When we attempted to flushBuffer whereas the thread didn't get enough time to finish [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.9
ADDED : netfinity: Fixed printing of offset and byte count (need to use 64 bit format codes) [SiRoB]
ADDED : netfinity: Raised threshold as anything below 3kB/s suggest there is a problem [SiRoB]
ADDED : WC: We are able to see which chunk received WCBlock to be downloaded from proxy [SiRoB]

CHANGED: WC: Something was wrong arround the methode choise for Publish WCBlock [SiRoB]

NOTE: sorry for those numerous update, but i don't have a proper webcache proxy hunder the hand.
Anyway if i had not dig a bit the code this feature will have still useless for ever.
Now every thing is ok, i finaly found why WCBlock were not properly spreaded as in the old offcial webcache client.
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.8
FIXED : WC: WCBlock sent will content the proper proxy ip [SiRoB]

CHANGED: WC: received WCBlock not succefully downloaded were blocking some filepart zone to be downloaded [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.7
CHANGED: WC: Finaly working fine [SiRoB]

ADDED : Trickle datarate is now 0.1kB/s for low speed datarate (i.e <6kB/s)[SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.6
FIXED : ImportParts: Put back previous file state at the end of the import process [SiRoB]
FIXED : SpreadBar is now correctly saved for +4GB file [SiRoB]

CHANGED: HideOS & SOTN: They are working together and always revalate 2 chunks [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Average datarate calcul a bit [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SlugFiller SafeHash code changed to work arround false corrupted part report with the ReadBlockFromFileThread [SiRoB]
CHANGED: WC: In case download query failed use ed2k request instead [SiRoB]
CHANGED: WC: ResolveWebCachename has been changed to work arround dns change

ADDED : HideOS & SOTN: Don't upload requested hidden block [SiRoB]
ADDED : Attempt to avoid connection Collision [SiRoB]
ADDED : Global source limit [Stulle]
ADDED : Source cache by Xman [Stulle]
ADDED : USS: Option to force UDP ping in morph preferency [SiRoB]
ADDED : USC: max upload datarate setting for a each class based on upload speed percentage [SiRoB]

TWEAKED: USC: available bandwidth is spreaded differently [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: Lowering memory consumption a bit by merging some data (See Chunk that we hide) [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: ReadBlockFromFileThread:
- get free of the upload process timer
- this make 1.8MB/s limit rise up to ?
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.5
FIXED : (minor) ImportParts: make it working when the file is stopped [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) ReadBlockFromFileThread: don't use partfile permanent handle in thread [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) GetAvailablePartCount() by adding us as available part [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) SlugFiller SafeHash code to work arround ed2klink with hashset [SiRoB]

ADDED : Slotlimit like StulleMule [leuk_he]
- not limmited, Where the upload code decides to open more slots as needed.
- a set number 60-255, for high speed uploaders that wants to limit the upload slots manually.
ADDED : Occurate download limiter [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Roll back my nice average calcul system [SiRoB]

REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller Code arround WriteToBuffer [SiRoB]
- there is a bug but i got headache to fix it, maybe something arround gaplist.
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.4
FIXED : (minor) Save sources for multiple tempdir & system icon mulit tempdirs [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) average datarate calcul was wrong (USS & Onlinesig were affected, introduced in 8.3) [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.3
FIXED : (minor) WC: Make the Webcache Test work when we are using RandomPort feature pointed by WiZaRd [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) WC: Make the WebCache Test work when we are using Fast Connection Reject option [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) WC: Reworked a bit the fix arround MultiOHCB [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) WC: Display only once msgbox "Your Proxyserver does not seem to...." [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Average datarate speed as been reviewed a bit [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Turn back official slot limiter [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.2
FIXED : (minor) Fixed glitch display arround webcache file infos detail [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Fixed Official WebCache OP_MULTI_FILE_REASK packet build [SiRoB]
- packet were malformed du to extrat data at begin
FIXED : (minor) MemLeak fix arround ICS pointed by WiZaRd [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) WebCache 2.0.1 Fix arround allocated memory [SiRoB]

ADDED : Offcial Patch for Getclosestto function by Unknown1 [SiRoB]
ADDED : Upnp checkbox in first time run wizard. [leuk_he]
ADDED : Take into account IP+TCP header [SiRoB]
- WARNING Keep in mind you will see more overhead

CHANGED: TryToConnect has been changed to know when we filter some connection red$

REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller noneededrequeue [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Removed SlugFiller safe hash arround hashsetneeded [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.47a MorphXT v8.1
FIXED : (major) Weird change making some eratic opened slot [SiRoB]

changelog for emule 0.47a MorphXT v8.0
MERGED : Ported to 0.47a version [SiRoB/Stulle]

FIXED : (major) Crash on rename from explorer if file still displayed in transer list [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) No more crash du to completed file (a very very old bug in SlugFiller code) [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) When there is only A4AF source and they are removed, display information are updated [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) GUI: file detail arround webcache stat is properly displayed [Stulle]

ADDED : USC: Don't open new slot when connection doesn't send any data [SiRoB]
ADDED : FlushThread to write on hard disk without locking GUI [SiRoB]

CHANGED: No FunnyNick for added HTTP sources [Stulle]
CHANGED: No ZZ ratio for added HTTP sources [Stulle]
CHANGED: WC: Support +4GBytes files [SiRoB]
CHANGED: ImportPart: Reworked to be used and stopped at anytime [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SOTN: Reviewed to not show us as a complet source even if we are the only source [SiRoB]
- du to share only the need mecanisme client will always see a virtual complet source
- share only the need still the safer and best way to always keep a file well spreaded by balancing the upload chunk
CHANGED: Auto PowerShare and PowerShare limit has been reviewed [SiRoB]

merci bien
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