Posté le: Lun Déc 18, 2006 12:46 Sujet du message:
Mise a jour de K-Lite Codec Pack
K-Lite Codec Pack Full 2.81
Latest Changes:
* Updated ffdshow to revision 696
* Replaced Xvid v1.2.0-dev with v1.1.2
* Updated x264 VFW to revision 600
* Removed DivX VFW codec
* Removed 3ivX AAC
* Removed Ligos MPEG audio decoder
* Removed InterVideo MPEG decoder
* Removed InterVideo audio decoder
* Added Gabest and Haali AVI splitters. The default Microsoft splitter is still the recommended one. The other two are better able to handle incomplete/truncated files
* Updated GSpot Codec Information Appliance to version 2.60 rc1
* Removed Sherlock
* Fixed an error that showed at the end of the install/uninstall on Windows Vista
* Minor changes
Posté le: Mar Fév 27, 2007 11:41 Sujet du message:
Update de K-lite coddecs pack qui passe en version K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.66
Latest Changes:
* Updated ffdshow to revision 969
* Updated Haali Media Splitter to version
* Removed localized QT components
* Added Orban AAC parser [version 1.0.27]
* Changed default the renderer used by MPC in Windows Vista from Overlay Mixer to System Default. This should prevent Aero from disabling during video playback
* Updated GSpot Codec Information Appliance to version 2.70a
* Updated Codec Tweak Tool
* Minor changes
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