Changelog for eMule 0.45b MorphXT v6.2
FIXED : Identified a very old bug that make crash morph in particular waiting-queue configuration [SiRoB]
FIXED : Friend eLink minor fix from emulEspaña [SiRoB]
FIXED : DoubleClick on the chat window friend icon open the file preferency [SiRoB]
FIXED : AddSource memory exception Official Bugfix by WiZaRd [SiRoB]
FIXED : DownloadClientCtrl: Double click on client item is working now [SiRoB]
ADDED : Scheduled remove slot from zz mod [AndCycle/SiRoB]
ADDED : zzRatio triggered and activated reason [SiRoB]
ADDED : Optionnal funnyNick Display [SiRoB]
ADDED : fake emuleVersion detection [SiRoB]
ADDED : fake MODSTRING detection [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SLS: LowID are now recorded [SiRoB]
CHANGED: SpreadBar is now disabled by default in share preferency [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: Reworked to work properly with the new scheduled remove slot [SiRoB]
CHANGED: updated -UPnPNAT Support- by MoNKi from emulEspania [SiRoB]
CHANGED: updated -Improved ICS-Firewall support- by MoNKi from emulEspania [SiRoB]
CHANGED: updated -Random Ports- by MoNKi from emulEspania [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Datarate is based on 5'' instead of 10'' before (30'' for official) [SiRoB]
REMOVED: CPU live optimization [SiRoB]
REMOVED: No more ban on bad user name [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: USC: Ensure proper new open slot in all case [SiRoB]
NOTE: About upnp support now you can disable the XP service , big thanks to MoNKi.
Also don't be surprised to see graph not as linear than the official.
Changelog for eMule 0.45b MorphXT v6.1
MERGED : Ported to 0.45b Official version [SiRoB]
FIXED : WC: when enable crash can occure (thx jpkoester1) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Roll back some 5.18 code [SiRoB]
NOTE: I keept the multisort from SlugFiller
Changelog for eMule 0.45a MorphXT v6.0
MERGED : Ported to 0.45a Official version [SiRoB]
FIXED : Download part file progress bar is now drawn correctly [SiRoB]
FIXED : Intercept wrong friend link to avoid crash when pasted in friendlist [SiRoB]
FIXED : ICS: Don't send for complete file by netfinity [SiRoB]
FIXED : USC: Minor fix arround Friend Class Limit consign [SiRoB]
FIXED : KAD: Official Busy loop fix by gcostanza (i.e.: abnormal cpu usage) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Download Client part file progress bar has a lighter color now for confirmed download chunk when in flat mode [SiRoB]
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